Food Exports

Exporting food

DAFF operates under the conditions and restrictions of the Export Control Act 1982. Certain goods are subject to the provisions under the Act and associated Regulations and Orders when they are prepared or processed for export.

As a general rule, DAFF only assists in the export of prescribed goods. Depending on what you want to export, the requirements you must meet will vary. The Act specifies that goods are ‘prescribed’ or ‘non-prescribed’.

Prescribed goods include:

  • dairy
  • live animals
  • fish and fish products
  • plants and plant products
  • eggs and egg products
  • meat and meat products
  • grain
  • animal food (frozen raw meat)
  • food labeled as organic
  • fresh fruit and vegetables
  • dried fruit
  • pharmaceuticals (raw animal material)

All other goods are classified as non-prescribed, and provisions may still apply if government to government certification is required.

Exporting non-prescribed goods

DAFF can assist clients with exporting non prescribed goods if the importing country requires DAFF certification or documents; however fees are payable.

It is the responsibility of the exporter to obtain the importing country requirements. This information must then be provided to DAFF by the exporter. For further information on exporting non-prescribed goods, contact DAFF in your state or territory.

Freecall from within Australia: This freecall number will connect you to your nearest regional office: 1800 020 504